Low oil prices brings relief to thousands

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HOUSTON - The "bitter sweet" pill of low oil prices is really being felt around the Houston area. Oil below 50-dollars a barrel has let to thousands of job cuts. But to many thousands of other families, It is also providing much-needed relief to their weekly budgets.

Maya Boston

It is with deep regret and heavy hearts that we announce the untimely passing of Maya Boston, MoveRight.TV’s lead anchor who died suddenly in late June, 2015, after experiencing unexpected medical complications related to breast cancer surgery. We have lost a dear friend and valued colleague. Maya was a respected, consummate professional in the production industry and we will miss her ebullient personality and upbeat optimism. At MoveRight.TV and TV Worldwide she was committed to diversity and outreach, and in tribute to her accomplishments, we will continue to host all of her video intro’s, interviews and presentations in tribute and memoriam to her amazing life.